
About Fgmaker

Mission Statement

Fgmaker is a shop that is involved in the design, consulting, and manufacturing of small parts for a hobby-based home business. Using 3d printings, laser cutting/engraving machines, CNC routers, and other general at-home tools. This website will follow products and services from the idea stage to the selling stage with everything else in between.

How Fgmaker Got Started

I have always enjoyed trying and doing all sorts of things so I thought I would take that experience and start a home-based business around the things I liked doing the most. So below I put together when I first thought about starting my own business.
Things I wanted in my home-based business (Thing I like doing)
•  Do something that involves engineering and drafting.
•  Do something that has computer programing as part of it. More on the device control side of things.
•  Do something that has implementing efficient processes and systems as part of it. Take an idea and or product from the idea stage all the way to how it will be sold.
•  Do something that involves working with your hands something where you are not always sitting behind a desk.
•  Do something that uses the tools and equipment I already have. Specifically, your electromechanical devices and which you enjoy working with the most. Your 3d printers, Lazer engraver, CNC router, computer equipment, and camera equipment
•  Do something that works with Raspberry Pi’s and Adrino’s. (controlling devices).
•  Do something that involves doing presentations, coaching, and training
I had a longer list but this is what I narrowed down to what I thought would work in a single business and keep it focused around a single theme. Every time I tried to do much I wasn’t successful so this seemed ok. I figured I could do this and keep it targeted but would have to do it in stages.

My Story

As of the writing of this about page, I am 64 and ½ years old. So I thought I would give you a quick story about myself and my experience so you have a better idea of who you are dealing with.
My Dad was a machinist and at one time owned a machine shop so at a very young age I was very intrigued with mechanical devices and machining. That is where I got my love for figuring things out and engineering
My first job was at Friendly Ice Cream while I was still in high school. A had an excellent first manager before he was a manager at friendy ice cream he was a navy cook. He really taught me a lot about systems and processes and how to make things efficient. He make it a big deal in everything we did there. I did everything there from cleaning, being a waiter, cooking, washing dishes, a night shift manager. It was a great learning experience.
I started college wanting to be an engineer and studied at Stark Technical College and Akron University. Had some good professors at both but it always seemed boring and expensive. So halfway through I decided to get a job and go part-time.
I got a job as an assistant manager at Kay Bee Toy and hobby because of my experience and references from Friendlies. There within 9 months, I was a manager, and a short time after that they had me going to all sorts of different stores and helping them out. I put in the first electronic cash registers and implemented all sorts of new things. This was a great experience got to go all over the country and see and do all sorts of things.
My left eye (I had a blind spot in it as a child) so I decided to take a long leave of absence from the toy store and get an eye operation. This is when I started doing side jobs to keep money coming in. Figured with my engineering and management experience I should be able to find work. I did right away actually more than I expected. It was great in the beginning but when I decided to grow that is where problems started coming in droves.
My first business Turnkey computers what a mess it turned out to be trying to do everything for everyone and not being able to do anything right. Yea we did finally start getting things right but at and un unbelievable cost. I also found out what I didn’t know about actually running a business, didn’t know enough about sales, marketing, costing, or accounting. Each one cost me seriously
Not knowing enough about sales, professional purchasing agents took advantage of me
Not knowing enough about the prospecting, customer referrals and all of that stuff cost me thousands of missed sales and sales opportunities.
Not knowing enough about marketing cost me thousands of dollars in failed advertising.
Not knowing about accounting and the legal process cost me a tax audit, and the dreaded thing that goes along with that is “penalties and interest”.
I did correct each and every mistake by learning the necessary processes. A whole lot of reading books and training classes. (Sure wish there was YouTube at that time the process could have been cut at least to ¼ of the time it took) YouTube university is great.
So after the failures, we did become successful but at a cost that was way too high. My brother who was part owner of the business with me health deteriorated to a point where we sold everything off and closed the business.
I then took time off and did all sorts of things catching up on things I hadn’t done in years because I didn’t have the time.
I decided to get a job and work for someone for a little while and then start or do something after because I still was taking care of some of the remains of the business and some other personnel things. I was only going to work for a few years and start another business. But things went well and have now been working for a little over 10 years.
But now I am getting ready to start a business again and have a lot of fun doing it.

Why I am Starting Fgmaker

The biggest reason for me is being my own boss makes me happy. I figure why not be happy at what you are doing. I was at work one day and thinking about all of the people that were taking advantage of the company and how much it bothered me, how things were not moving nearly as fast as I thought they should, and loads of other problems that were going on. Mostly I was starting to be unhappy with my situation at the company. It was not nearly as satisfying lately and didn’t look to be getting any better for the foreseeable future. So I thought now would be a good time to start again. I could still work for the company and start doing my own thing and within a short period of time would quit.

My Values and Outlook on Business and Life, in General

Can be summarized with some inspirational quotes
•  People buy from people they trust – Bob Burg
•  You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.- Zig Ziglar
•  Play by the rules, but be ferocious.” – Phil Knight
•  You only have to do a few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. – Warren Buffett
•  If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time. – Steve Jobs
•  Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. – Will Rodgers
•  Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. – Albert Einstein
•  There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. – Colin Powell

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